Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Week 7 Blog: "Some Like it Hot"

I really never knew how copyrights work, and these laws do seem to make sense. If a composer writes a song and copyrights it, then someone else sings it, the composer gets the money from the radio stations that play the song, rather than the artist. No wonder so many artists write their own music instead of playing covers and buying music from other people. That way the performer is the one who gets paid to have their song played on the radio.

Piracy is both a good and a bad thing. It allowed the production of films and the use of several inventions, so it helps the copyrighted item or music evolve, but it really screws over the composer or inventor. Now with file sharing through the internet, piracy really screws over the musicians since they don’t get as many albums sold since people just download their music for free. Oh well, they can still make money at concerts.


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